Utställning – albumkonst från Stormstudios Design
Dan Abbott, Designer, illustratör och art director på Stormstudios Design, besökte oss under NMW och berättade om arbetet med att visualisera musik. I samband med detta satte vi upp en utställning med sexton olika omslag som de skapat.
Nu visar vi utställningen på Kulturcentrum Ebeneser under februari. Du har möjlighet se den i samband med att du besöker något av våra evenemang. Vi har tyvärr inte möjlighet att visa föreställningen separat/övriga tider.
Mer om Dan Abbott och Stormstudios Design: Dan Abbott – Designer, illustrator and art director Dan Abbott has been making artwork for music since he was a schoolboy. From humble beginnings making art for photocopied fanzines and tiny independent bands, Dan went on to work closely with the late legendary cover designer Storm Thorgerson (Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin,10CC) for over a decade and now is a co-director of StormStudios between Berlin and London.
Designing covers has taken him on many adventures around the world, battling against weather, uncooperative animals and overstretched budgets to realise strange and unlikely cover images. He is motivated by by the idea of creating unique images and ideas to accompany the spirit of the music rather than just a persuasive or trendy advertising image. “A good cover should make you look at it a second time, a third time and then later again in the day when you least expect it”. Obsessed with the past, present and future of record covers, Dan sees them as a rule-free blank space where anything is possible.
Dan Abbott has worked on cover designs for a long and wildly varied list of artists including Pink Floyd, Muse, Biffy Clyro, Ray Wonder, The Mars Volta, Audioslave, Europe, Steve Miller Band, Refused, 10CC and Shpongle.